This is my First Blog But before starting my blog want to share my journey until now. I was very good in studies in my school and college time but does not matter what matters is "what is your actual goal, your priorities"Focus on what is important "not on "what everyone is doing, what is the most trending field".
These all mistakes we do when we pick a career
Is it totally our fault?
why students are more stressed than ever?
why students commit suicide every hour and physical concerns are on the rise
According to me 3 most important pillar who create the foundation of who we are since every decision we make
1. Parent
Parents want the best for their children. They oft dream of their children attending the best of universities and then securing a most respectable job in modern society.
One of the biggest mistake we make when it comes to choosing a career is being over-reliant while they make a good say your course of actions PArents sometimes urge their children to pursue more popular career paths without considering what the latter want
There are effective approaches which teachers can use to develop pupils’ learning capabilities and the characteristics identified in the review
You are the one who's going to live with the consequences of your decision, so make sure that you don't' let others influence you too much, regardless of how important they are in your life
Modern society is a very competitive place. Honesty and humbleness are shown with sarcasm, good deeds are questioned and bad deeds regularly ignored. Power and money have become prime needs for survival. Unemployment rates are running high
A career you can enjoy and do well in? Print out and keep this list of ways to pick your top career choices – and take some time to go through it.
Assess Yourself – Who Are You Right Now?
Think about who you are, what you’re good at, and what you enjoy. This will help you choose career ideas that match your skills and interests.
Here are some useful questions and activities to explore:
- What subjects have you enjoyed studying at school and beyond? Why? Is it because you like the person teaching you, or there’s something about that subject you can really relate to?
- What subjects have you done well at, and why?
- If you had to pick a favorite out of words, numbers, visuals, and physical activities, which would it be? Could you see yourself in a job where your top choice formed a big part of what you do every day?
- The career path you choose often ends up defining who you are as an individual. It gives you a sense of identity and purpose and keeps you on the path to fulfillment amidst the maelstrom of a life
- well this is all about what factors influence us while choosing our career path and what mistakes we do , why we limit our career options because of others
? Ask anyone who has gotten a college degree in one field, only to realize a few years later they don't want to be doing that anymore and they'll confirm what I'm saying. Today, there is an endless number of career options - many of which didn't exist 10 years ago. Plus, the workplace is changing at a crazy rate. Thus, if you haven't been getting consistent career coaching, you've likely made career choices you regret. The result? Feeling like you stumbled into your career path instead of being in control of it.
What were the most defining moments of your life and how did they change you?”
“Who is your role model and why?”
“Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?”
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